Which Patients will CallForce Call?

CallForce will call all of your patients who are overdue, active, and missing a future appointment.

Each month we will pull a recall list for your office. When we pull this list we filter out the following patients:

  • Patients who are marked as inactive.
  • Patients with a future appointment.
  • Patients with a balance of over $300.
  • Patients more than 36 months overdue.

We will also group patients together by household to avoid overcalling families with multiple patients. For example, if there was a family of five, that family would only be called once rather than 5 individual calls. On that call, we will try to schedule all five patients. 


If there are patients who you would not like us to call (e.g. problem patients, family members, chronic no-shows) ask your account manager about our Do Not Call List.