How Often do you Place Calls for my Office?

We developed a system that efficiently contacts all of your overdue patients--without overcalling them.

Once a month, we go into your software to collect a list of patients. If you have questions about which patients we call, you can find more information here.

We put the list into an automated calling software for our callers to use. Our team can call through about 50 patient phone numbers an hour. Once we have contacted all of the patients on the initial list, we like to give your patients a bit of a break so they don't feel too overwhelmed with calls. After that waiting period (which lasts about 10 days), we "reset" that initial list of patients and call the patients who did not answer during the first round of calling. Once we have called all of the patients during the second round of calling, we enter the second waiting period which lasts until the next month. Then, we start this process all over again!

Broken down, the process looks like this:

1. List Collection

2. Calling Round 1 (all of the patients on the list)

3. Waiting Period #1

4. Calling Round 2 (only the patients who did not answer during Calling Round 1)

5. Waiting Period #2

6. We collect a new list of patients

The number of patients at your practice will affect this process and the lengths of the waiting periods. We try to make recall calls for your office at least once a week but if you have a smaller patient base, we may call less frequently or those waiting periods may be a little longer. Typically, we will wait 1-2 weeks after a round of calling is finished so that we don't appear spammy to your patients. 

If you have any additional questions, call 801-901-0502 and press 2 for support.